80/20 Media

1 Day Getaway 


Build a Meaningful Relationship
with Your Ideal Customers

(even if it's your first time)

Whether you’re launching a personal brand – growing your business or both...

 You’ll transform your story into a compelling narrative that boosts brand awareness, increases engagement and drives meaningful growth by leveraging your authenticity. All 100% organically.

In this step by step process we teach you how to

  • ​ALL IN 15 MINUTES A DAY (or less)

Watch this video for how we'll do it: 



  • You'll dig deep into Your Heart to Find Your Purpose
  • Use that Purpose to Gather Like Minds
  • Speak to those Like Minds to Build a Tribe
  • ​Lead that Tribe to Make a Difference


  • Over 30 days, we'll cover every step in the process of building your BRAND IDENTITY.
  • ​You'll receive step by step instructions so you know exactly what to do at every stage of the process, which means you'll spend less time fumbling around and more time attracting a Tribe to your Purpose.
  • ​You'll master the strategies, systems and actions we use for our subscription clients who pay $5,000 or more a month—so you're handed the keys to a Ferrari, which means you'll be set to accrue serious social media millage, fast.
  • You'll be granted access to our Members Only Community specifically for this program, so you get the support you need to knock your first campaign out of the park.
  • ​You'll learn to stay on top of changing social media landscapes and how to Draft on the Masters, so you can leverage the tens of thousands of dollars they spend on their content all to your advantage.
You'll follow along LIVE as we build out your Content Map and Posting Strategy step by step over 30 days. 

You'll even see live inside our process work which we ......

Here's our breakdown for the next 30 days:

WEEK 1 - We're going to dig deep into your Heart and Find Your Why

WEEK 2 - Develop your Why and use it to drive A Purpose.

WEEK 3 - Take that Purpose and Gather Like Minds.

WEEK 4  - ​Speak to those Like Minds and Build a Tribe. 

FOR THE NEXT 365 DAYS - ​You're going to Lead that Tribe to Make a Difference. (All this in ONLY 15 MINUTES A DAY!)

Starting with the First Day: we do a deep dive into the secrets of the experts we developed this material from to create a master plan you will use to launch your brand in the next 30 days


Throughout this 30 day period, we'll go over every step of the process to build your Posting Schedule. 

We'll start with the idea you're passionate about, organize that idea into a campaign, and discover how to gather a tribe of collaborators to make a difference in the world.  You'll find out how to model your heroes to not only be more effective, but even attract them to collaborating with you.

After 30 days you'll have completed the research and planning phase, and you'll know exactly what to post every day for the next year. 

Our Promise: If you really commit to this ( posting every day for a year, exactly the way we teach you), you'll never have to worry about customers, collaborators or money again. 


The price of this comprehensive training is only $297 USD. This is a one time fee and you'll never be charged again. 

That's a tiny investment for training that will completely change your life and permanently transform how you think about social media. We Promise.

With our help, you'll master everything you need to know. You'll get absolute clarity on Your Why, create a campaign that clearly communicates it, and build a tribe that continues to gathers like minds under your banner. 

—All that for what most people spend at Starbucks every day.

To put this in perspective, our 5 day Getaway (our program for training Subscription services clients) is built on the Exact Same Foundation and costs $5000 USD.

The reason we do the 1 Day Getaway is simple: At 80/20 Media we Only Serve Heart Based Businesses that are Out To Better Other Peoples Lives.

To do this effectively, we function as an incubator. After graduating the 1 Day getaway, some of you will stick with us.

Some of you will Join Our Tribe of Heart Based Businesses, where we grow together... As you become more successful, you'll outgrow your in-house marketing capabilities. These businesses are invited to apply for the 5 Day Getaway (where we design and deliver these campaigns). Twenty percent of the businesses that complete the 5 Day Getaway receive a proposal for our Subscription Services, with the rest referred to Agencies we trust to build in-house teams.

Sign Up And Get Started

The next business I’m launching will be strictly on-line...
"The content of the 1 Day Getaway is well researched and delivered. It inspired a lot of ideas. It also provides the structure for how to create your on-line platform and presence and then generate income off it. Whereas starting down this path felt like being dropped into the middle of the Pacific Ocean and told to swim to shore with no sense of direction... After the  80/20 Media 1-Day Getaway I feel like I’m about to set off across the ocean on a luxury yacht with a top notch captain and crew aboard to help get me there."  Jason Groenewold - President, Common Square, LLC
I got to feel the full 3D effects of my true purpose, well beyond the ineffective and sporadic posting I was doing before this program.
"This one day course cleared many mental blocks I was facing to social media.  It gave me the tools to work freely and creatively, burying once and for all the common and standardized strategies we are encouraged to use to generate posts.The 80/20 One Day Getaway challenges your status quo about how you view social media, gets to the core of who you truly are, why you do what you do, and hands you the keys to unlock how to effectively and powerfully use social media.  I highly recommend this program.  You will get so much more than you ever thought you would understand and comprehend about how to use social media to build your brand." Camille Savage - Interior Design Specialist | Creative Director | Artist
80/20 Media‘s innovative 1-Day Getaway is the perfect prescription!
"If anyone had told me a month ago that I would actually create, build and launch my own social media campaign to build a brand, I would’ve told them you’re crazy! Yet, here I am! Following the simple principles, powerful advice and coaching I gained through 80/20 Media‘s remarkable 1-Day Getaway, I got all the tools that I needed to create an effective social media campaign.I got personal coaching during the follow-up calls and did the work. Then I brought new actions to the calls, got more coaching and then implemented those! Now I’m building my tribe on LinkedIn, where I even had a PhD invite me to join his private group because of a single post...  Imagine that!" David Ulysses Peay - Founder of The Peay Family  Legacy  Project
Making a difference for people to be truly seen and heard...
In the 1 day getaway I got how committed the 80/20 Team is for each and everyone of us to get present to what lights us up in our lives, and put this into action in the world. By consistently taking our passions from words to a place in the world, the 1 Day Getaway is a big part on why I am reigniting my empowerment program “Shine” and bringing it back out to the world, where it truly belongs. Dian Buckley-Westinghouse, Creator of “Shine” Empowerment Programs

"Today, not starting is far, far worse than being wrong. If you start, you've got a shot at evolving and adjusting to turn your wrong into a right. But if you don't start, you never get a chance."

Seth Godin

About 80/20 Media

We’re a lifestyle development company masquerading as a social media company, so you don't need to be a social media guru to work with us...  But it’s important to understand that social media is a powerful tool. And leveraged properly, it can benefit everyone.

At 80/20 Media we have one mission:
Helping Heart Based Businesses Grow

Our company culture is built on Creativity, Content and Character. We believe in documenting the journey with authenticity. We choose to work with Heart Based Businesses that focus on bettering the lives of others. We believe that people who want to make a difference make the best clients and overall better content. We leverage Authenticity in an Inauthentic Environment.

What We Stand For

Connection. Connection makes the world a smaller, better place. Through the power of social media, we use Community and Content to forge meaningful connections between heart based leaders, ideas and people: Tribes motivated and empowered to reshape landscapes. Connection is the core of our 1 Day Getaway.

Community. We don’t just serve our clients… We develop disruptors and changemakers. We train people who care to make a difference through their businesses and social media brands to go out and make that difference. Through this process, we build communities that gather tribes. Community is at the core of 80/20 Creative and 80/20 Planning.

Content. Content is king. Content is the vehicle through which we reach communities with our values. Ideas unite leaders with people. Content encapsulates and carries ideas. Thus we are a team that works a system for collecting, curating and distributing content. We ask that after attending the 1 Day Getaway you share your content with us and become a part of our tribe.

"Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy."  Khalil Gibran

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